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Mainstream School

This is a school that provides education for all children, whether or not they have special educational needs or disabilities.


Mediation is a type of disagreement resolution. Every local authority must provide independent mediation to help parents and young people resolve disputes with local authorities about:

  • a decision not to carry out an EHC needs assessment
  • a decision not to draw up an EHC plan
  • the content of a final EHC plan or amended plan
  • a decision not to amend an EHC plan
  • a decision to cease to maintain an EHC plan.

Mediation must also be provided on the health and social care elements of an EHC plan. You can find more information on mediation in the SEND Code of Practice 11.13 to 11.38.

Mediation Advice

The purpose of Mediation Advice is to give information about what mediation involves. Parents or young people who wish to register an appeal with the First Tier Tribunal (SEND) must first seek mediation advice. This advice must be factual and unbiased. After mediation advice has been given the parent or young person can choose whether they wish to go to mediation. However, it is not necessary to seek mediation advice if the appeal is only about the name of the school, or college named on the child or young person’s EHC plan, the type of provision specified in the plan or the fact that no school or other institution is named. You can find more information on mediation advice in the SEND Code of Practice 11.21 to 11.25.


Midday Supervisory Assistant


Multi-Sensory Impairment


Multi-agency Public Protection Arrangements






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