In this section there is advice on how residents can get involved in decision making at Brent in the area of special educational needs and disability (SEND). It is really important that residents contribute and advise on changes to systems and services in Brent, as you are the people who experience them and can improve them. Engagement events and opportunities will be promoted here.
From January to May 2021 a wide reaching consultation took place which gathered views of parents and young people in a number of different areas leading to the development of Brent’s current SEND Strategy 2021-25.
One exciting part of the strategy was to establish a Post 16 Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) board with active parental involvement as well as staff from education, health and social care. This group has been steering the development of this website and is working towards the development of a physical space in 2023/4. Young people have presented to the board and made their wishes clear, they want a website and physical space which will support them in achieving good outcomes.