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Young Person Advisers

Parents tell us they want to live in an inclusive borough that will enable their son/daughter to develop and thrive as an active member of their community.

Young people say they want to move into adulthood with the same opportunities and experiences as any other young person. They recognise that they may need additional support in some areas and they will ask for it.

Young people with SEND who participate in change and create opportunities across Brent, have said they would like to be known as ‘Young Person Advisers’. Any young Brent resident with SEND (up to age 30) can become a Young Person Adviser by communicating and feeding into initiatives and expressing their views. Young People Advisers have said they would like to receive recognition for their contribution to improve services and support. To date this has been a personal reference certificate and bespoke appreciation cards. A celebration event took place on 19 October 2021, 11.00 am - 12.30 pm at the Drum, Brent Civic Centre, to mark the achievements and engagement of young people and their families and introduce the Brent SEND Strategy 2021-25.

In June 2021, one Brent Young Person Advisor visited a Shaw Trust 'Growing Place' horticultural training centre for young people with SEND in Harrow to assess whether the model could be used in Brent. He contributed enthusiastically to discussions and now Brent Inclusion is liaising with the Shaw Trust in actively looking for a site for a horticultural training centre.

horticultural centre in Harrow



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