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Brent Youth Forum

The Brent Youth Forum has been established to ensure young people have their say on what they want to see in the Borough of Brent. The forum will be aimed at 14 - to 25-year-olds who have SEND, who have and don’t have an EHCP plan as well as those who are in the NEET group.
The Brent Youth Forum has its members so it debuted it's first event on Wednesday March 20th
The event focused on promoting Healthy Living and ways to improve your mental and physical health. For a young person with SEND aged 14 – 25, positive mental and physical health is important so the event helped to demonstrate this and encourage the building of relationships amongst young people as well as providers
The Healthy Living Event featured great presentations on preparing a healthy meal (BeeZee Familiies/Maximus)  having and maintaining a healthy wellbeing (Wellbeing and Emotional Support Team) and taking part in physical activity (Disabled Sports Coach)
The Healthy Eating segment of the session was so popular we held it again, on Monday June 24th at The Learning Zone - Wembley Stadium with professionals in attendance to get a piece of the healthy cheesecake pie, a time was had!
We now have a video recording of the first event, Healthy Living so you can watch this at your own leisure. Please see the link to the playlist on Youtube below. The event has been recorded in 3 segments which can be viewed individually at the side.
Healthy Living - YouTube
If you are interested in supporting or know a young person aged 14-25 with SEND who wants to offer their opinion or participation regarding the Brent Youth Forum please get in contact with Natalie Bissah; and 07920834819


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