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PfA Progress

Launch of SEND Strategy and PfA website 

group photo of parent group

Dream Big , achieve well, have choice, control and lead happy fulfilled lives
Brent Parent Carer Forum(BPCF) hosted the launch of our Brent SEND strategy and preparing for adulthood website on 19 October 2021.

Amytia Puspawresti the Chair of BPCF welcomed over 60 guests and explained a little bit about how parents have worked in partnership with the LA and Health to identify those areas that need to be developed or improved.
This was done this by listening to you as parents and young people, then feeding back your concerns, hopes and aspirations. We hope that when you read this new strategy, you will identify with what many of you told us ?
We are proud to have a key place at the Brent’s strategic Inclusion board which allows us to  keep heads of services informed about our send families' lived experiences
Our preparing for adulthood website has been designed with the active involvement of both Children and Young people, parents and staff who work with young people. We also heard from Sharon Buckby, Head of Inclusion and Virtual schools and Robyn Doran, Brent Integrated Care Partnership Director. 
We were delighted  Cllr Tom Stephens Cabinet Member for Education, Employment & Skills could join us and he pledged his support in us achieving our SEND priorities 2021-2025. 
We want to say 'thank you' to each and every one of you who have told us about your lived experiences, these were sometimes difficult moments particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. We may have been in the same storm but in 'different boats'!   
Your feedback to date has  allowed us to keep managers of services updated and also has shaped all the sessions and support we have offered to you as a forum.
Now we have lots of work to do together to make our new strategy a reality and to ensure that all children and their families have the fullest possible ranges of support and opportunities available to them in order to improve their life chances and realise their aspirations.    
So we need YOU to keep TELLING  us so we can  ensure as we work together over the next 4 years  we can to make our strategy a reality – we are still that critical friend but working together does make things better in the end 
Brent Parent Carer Forum




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