These are videos of young people talking about their education, support and future plans:
Most young people with SEND use universal (mainstream) services such as GPs, health visitors and schools. Staff who support young people can refer them to social care, with parental consent, (unless the young person involved is at risk of harm). Children and young people with severe, permanent and substantial disabilities or long-term complex health problems are supported by Brent's Disabled Children and Young People's Service (0-25)
For social care support, contact Brent Family Front Door on 0208 937 4300 or email for an assessment. Parents/carers will also be offered a carers assessment to identify their specific needs.
There are 6 outreach teams in Brent Council: SEND Support Team, Early Years Inclusion Support Team, Inclusion support Team and Brent Outreach Autism Team (for up to age 16). The Hearing Impairment Team and the Visual Impairment Team support young people up to age 25 reach good educational and independence outcomes. They advise on independent living skills, transition and equipment, they are usually approached by schools, colleges and relevant staff on behalf of young people.