At 18, around half of all young people nationally attend university. Universities are large organisations often offering hundreds of undergraduate courses. Many young people enjoy going to university; the challenge of studying for a degree, meeting other young people and exploring areas of interest before working full time are all part of what makes it a worthwhile experience.
Universities require students to take responsibility for their learning which means attending lectures, classes and practical sessions; group work is a feature of many courses. Most universities offer undergraduate, post-graduate and research degrees while some also offer short courses. Level 3 qualifications are usually an entry requirement, but universities are flexible in their approach to admissions. UCAS is the organisation which connects people with higher education.
Brent is within commuting distance to many of London’s universities. The University of Westminster has a campus nearby in Harrow in which its Faculties for Media, Arts and Design are located. Middlesex University is based in Hendon, near the border with Brent. The University Campus of Football Business (UCFB) delivers degrees in the football and sports industries and is based close to Wembley Stadium.
Do I have to pay for it?
The Student Loans Company makes grant and loan payments to over one million people every year. You can apply for loans to cover your tuition fees and living costs while at university, as well as receive extra help if you have a child, disability or a dependent adult.
Funding is available whether you are studying full-time or part-time. For more information and a range of useful resources, visit the student finance zone. To apply for funding, go to
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Universities usually offer hundreds of different undergraduate courses
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