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Safety tips

Tell someone you trust if someone is making you feel uncomfortable
Tell someone you trust if someone is making you feel uncomfortable
Tell parents/carers about any suspicious behaviour and new adult friends
Tell parents/carers about any suspicious behaviour and new adult friends
Do not take gifts from people you do not know
Do not take gifts from people you do not know
Do not talk to or accept a ride from strangers
Do not talk to or accept a ride from strangers
Never leave home without telling your parents or carers where you are going
Never leave home without telling your parents or carers where you are going
Never take shortcuts. Always stick to routes selected by parents and stay on main roads
Never take shortcuts. Always stick to routes selected by parents and stay on main roads
If you go out with your friends, make sure you stay together even if you fall out
If you go out with your friends, make sure you stay together even if you fall out
Walk to and from school in groups
Walk to and from school in groups
Don't post any personal information online
Don't post any personal information online
Think before posting private pictures/videos of yourself online
Think before posting private pictures/videos of yourself online
Don't meet up with people you've met online
Don't meet up with people you've met online
Never share your passwords with anyone
Never share your passwords with anyone
People you meet online may not be who they say they are
People you meet online may not be who they say they are
Respect others online and treat others how you would like to be treated
Respect others online and treat others how you would like to be treated
Potential employers may search for you online to see what your digital footprint is like
Potential employers may search for you online to see what your digital footprint is like
Secure shopping sites have a padlock or unbroken key symbol displayed by your browser
Secure shopping sites have a padlock or unbroken key symbol displayed by your browser




Safety tips

Our best advice

Online Safety

The internet is a great way to connect with your friends and learn ; but it's also important to stay safe.


Bullying affects lots of young people and is repeated behaviour intended to hurt either emotionally or physically

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is any type of controlling, bullying, threatening or violent behaviour between people in a relationship

Help with Staying Safe

There is a lot of advice and help for young people about staying safe online

Child Sexual Exploitation

Sexual exploitation is very harmful to young people and affects every part of their health, happiness and development

Talk Pants

The Underwear Rule helps keep you safe from abuse

Home alone

How to decide if your child is ready to be left at home alone

Child abuse

Child abuse is any action by another person – adult or child – causing significant harm to a child

Gangs and Young People

Children and young people involved with gangs may be victims of violence

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